Friday, February 27, 2009


1. What are you most excited about in regards to your immersion experience? Why do you feel this way?

I really enjoy all of the individuals who work at the design studio and mentor me so being able to spend two weeks working on my projects and being completely "immersed" in my work will not only be a great opportunity to create quality work but it will give me the experience of going to work form 9 to 4 everyday, giving me a real working experience. (also i can get a brief break from engineering)I feel this way because i am genuinely happy at my internship, i can attribute that to setting it up myself (Which i recommend to everyone) I think that decision will maximize the expirince and knowlege that I gain from immersion.

2.What are you most concerned about (what causes the most stress) regarding immersion? Why do you feel this way?

I am most concerned about the fact that for the first week i will be working with someone else in the company because my mentor will be skiing... I have never worked with this individual before so it is unknown if i will like her as much as my mentor or if she expects more or less of me. It is the fact that there is an unknown factor in my very first week of immersion. Otherwise i think it will all go fine.

1 comment:

Desi McKinnon said...

I hope your immersion went well and that the first week didn't cause you too much stress.