Friday, November 7, 2008

H2o Project

H2o Schedule:

The question I have landed on for my H2o project is "What are the effects on humans from being exposed to the amounts of bacteria in our water, and what legal obligations do our government have to protect us form these illnesses?"

The next two weeks of my school career will look something like this:
Nov. 7- research of similar examples of final product. (internet)
Nov. 8- Begin spreadsheet of data collected for biology to support artist statement.
Nov. 9- Examine electron microscope pictures of E-coil bacteria for painting.
Nov. 10/11- Buy art supplies needed for product.
Nov. 12/13/14- Prepare 4 canvases for painting (writers block?)
Nov. 15/16/17- Sketch final E-coli bacteria art thaaang/ Rough draft of artist statement.
Nov. 18/19/20/21/22- paint and continue to revise artist statement


Dec. 1/2- Final critiques of artist statement
Dec. 3/4- Setup and display artwork for exibition, print and display artist statement.
Dec. 5- Eat In-n-out in class all day.

4 canvases
acrylic paint/ brushes
aresol based paints
8.5x11 picture frame

(in addition i will need to setup an interview and question with a lawyer individual)

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