Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election, and H2o Project

Election reflection:

First of all yesterday night was a very interesting night at my house as my entire family sat in the living room being all Midwestern and annoying, cheering for Barrak Obama as his electoral votes piled up. Needless to say i was in fact very pleased with Barrak Obama winning the presidency, and the feeling that you were apart of history in the making was inescapable. I really hope that Barrack Obama is able to deliver on all of the "change" he sayd he will bring to the country, and with a senate with a majority of democrats i think that that is probably obtainable. I really would like to see resolution with the war in Iraq and have troops start coming home. In addition more locally I would like to abolish propositions that are unfair and un-constitutional like prop eight. Both of these things Barrak Obama has a solution for, and i hope he pulls through.

I have followed this election from the beginning learning in Randy s class about our American history and the way our politics work. In having conversation on election night i realized that i had formed my own opinions about the candidates and understood quite well the entire process, as well as some strategies candidates use and various other knowledge that not even my parents knew. I feel like my civic knowledge went form nothing at the beginning of the year to above average in a short period of time.

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