Monday, March 23, 2009

What I can bring to the magazine.

Ive already done some prior though on the subject of what I can do for this magazine because i decided to incorporate it into my honors project as well. Since I have been interning at a graphic design studio all semester i have learned a lot about editing programs like in-design and illustrator that i think I can utilize to do some of the design work for our magazine. We can work with typefaces, layout, and come up with a logo or signature look for the publication.

Since this is basically my honors project i am not sure but i think I will also need to write an article? If this is the case i could deffinantly write about having an internship in a creative field which was uncommon in our group of internships. What the differences are between an internship in say engineering versus graphic design, with range of projects, skills/ programs utilized, an work environment. Does working in a creative feild necessarily mean that you have complete freedom to create what you want? Does working in a lab setting mean that you have to follow strict criteria? these would be some of the question i would cover in the article.

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